me and brad watched 6 and a half hours of the office yesterday-season 4. it felt so good.
a girl from my work on friday wanted a sip from my water bottle, i said "sure go ahead", her reply right before she put the bottle to her lips were, "i can't get diabetes from this right??" i would have laughed out loud, but unfortunately this is not the first time someone has asked this.
me, brad and my little brother rob went and saw sherlock holmes yet again this weekend. the dollar movie was so crowded we all sat in different rows. i wouldn't recommend it. but downy is still dreamy.
sunday morning a good friend of mine called me to watched her kids while she helped her sister with a tragic accident . i was sitting there holding her little girl while she was asleep, and her other little boy cuddled up on the couch next to me in a blanket. for some reason the primary song "I know that My Savior Loves me" came into my head. i thought of the lines, "children were gathered 'round Jesus. He blessed and taught as they felt of His love, each saw the tears on His face." it was so peaceful, and i couldn't help but get teary eyed in that moment, even though lion king was playing in the background.
i feel so grateful sometimes, for nothing in particular, just grateful.
Oh thank heavens for The Office. Gotta love it!
What a beautiful experience to have Sunday morning. I love those little moments!
Oh and the story with the dog...classic! I laughed for a good three minutes :)
Absolutely love the story about the dog, and just for the heck of it i'm going to say that we saw that happen, and we pee'd our pants laughing at you. j/k.
The Office is great, We have decided that is the best way to watch any tv series is to wait till they are all out, and then check them out from the library and then waste a whole day watching them. Love it!
And I know that your"neighbor" appreciates your help Sunday morning, what a great friend you are and a sweet experience you had.
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