Monday, October 31, 2011

robbie’s farewell.


robbie did such an incredible job on his talk.

it was cute to see him so nervous, and sound so mature up there.

it was even better to see who all came to support him.  we had some relatives come in from canada just for his talk. 

it meant so much to the family to see everyone! we all adore him so much. I honestly wish a farewell took place monthly. it was a treasure being able to sit and catch up with so many people that we don’t get to see all the time.

especially my aunts, uncles and cousins. I love them so much. have I mentioned that yet? haha.




Leslie said...

best weekend ever i am sure! i am so excited for robbie and wish i could have been there! it looks like i definitely missed out on a party!

Anonymous said...

please stop having fun!!
i love that jax and robbie look like a married couple in the fam pic.
i love that my dads tie, looks mini!
i hate missing out!
good luck robbie!

the fellers said...

It was so awesome seeing everyone!

the murdocks said...

Shannon nailed it! It's the tie on Larry that makes him look like a little boy. Melissa, thanks for all the photos, I'm so happy you took a bunch. That was a GREAT weekend! Weidner overload.