Monday, October 10, 2011

nightmare on 13th.

this is kristy and jarvis.  kristy is erin’s sister, and jarvis is kristy’s fiance. kristy and jarvis are one of the cutest/sweetest couples I’ve met.
erin’s pose on the left scared more people (including me and brad) standing in line than we could count. it’s freaky.

even though my voice is scratchy from all the screaming, it’s always a blast going into those devilish houses. we even had a dance out in the parking lot of the mexican restaurant we ate at after the haunted house.  I would say that was the highlight! this group of people was more fun than I could have ever expected.


the murdocks said...

Oh my gosh, in the 5th picture down me and Erin are twins. Weird!! I want to go to a haunted house so bad.

the murdocks said...

6th I mean