Thursday, October 13, 2011

doing halloween stuff…









we played with kelley and candice last night.  we first hit up sonic and ate hot dogs and shakes at the park. their hot dogs are just as good as the commercial makes them look.  delicious. 

we then went over to their place to talk, watch the men carve one pumpkin, and they even roasted pumpkin seeds for us that tasted awesome.  it was cute seeing the guys so domestic. me and candice just sat on the couch and talked about how scary it would be to give birth to a human (we’re not pregnant, that was just our topic for some reason).  and then we pretended that we are going to plan another insane trip together, like last years europe trip. that might have been too good to be true. but oh well, we can at least pretend something like that could happen again.


Maren said...

That pumpkin turned out so cool! I think I'm going to try that this year. Well done boys.

Kristen Ruiz said...

But are the sonic hot dogs as good as the ones we ate at the river bottom... ? Hahaha, I love that face you pull, you need to copyright it.