Tuesday, December 15, 2009


the other night brad came home early. at 5:30 to be exact.
we started thinking it was almost a reason to celebrate, so we needed to go out to eat.
around 5:45 we started thinking where we wanted to eat, thinking we had every option in the world.
6:00 rolled around and we were still thinking, tossing out ideas like we had all day.
6:40 came and i was laying on my back on the couch and brad was sitting at the table, we were still trying to decide where to eat. food the only thing on our minds.
6:55 brad suggested we just start driving and see where we end up.
7:30 we are still driving-in circles by this point.
7:40 i throw a fit and he parks at the first place he finds downtown.
7:42 we get out of the car and start walking.
7:45 we stop at a corner, i get fired up because we have no idea where we're walking and it's blistering cold outside.
7:50 after fighting on a random corner downtown, i start walking back to the car.
8:00 it's an awkward silence in the car but brad is still driving.
8:01 he throws out that we are eating at chilli's since i can't make up my mind.
8:01 i don't say a word, i'm so hungry by this point my blood is boiling.
8:10 we pull into chilli's-still not saying a word.
8:13 our waiter comes to the table and says they are short 2 cooks, so the wait will be 35-40 minutes for our food.
8:13 i look at brad with rage in my eyes and zero expression on my face.
8:15 brad says i need to calm down.
8:16 i say i have diabetes................................................sometimes it works.
8:17 brad orders endless chips and salsa, i cringe at the thought of oil dripping off my chips.
8:25 chips come out, and there is oil dripping off our chips
8:25 i look again at brad, with rage in my eyes and zero expression.
8:40 nothing is still being said while brad eats chips and salsa.
8:55 finally our food comes out.
9:15 we are both eating, happy as ever and having good conversation.
around 9:30 we head home and act like nothing has happened.
food is our happiness.
(picture taken on the ride back from san francisco)


Kenna said...

I really, truly, absolutely love this story. I can't even remember how many times that exact situation has happened to us. Once I get food in me I am a happy person, but make me wait and it will be heck. Have a great Christmas!

the fellers said...

oh my gosh, you are hilarious Meliss...I love that the diabetes card works sometimes! haha

Hailey Jones said...

to the story.
of the jones life.


i hate BIG decissions. and food is ALWAYS a biggie. at least in my chubby mind.

ps. went to chilis last week after i read about your husb loving chicken fried steak. so i wanted some. and it was GREAT. thanks for the suggestion.

ps2. can we PLEASE dubdubtrub. aka double date.


your biggest fans. bahahahah.

Hailey Jones said...

you didn't include a price on chilis. luckily we had our dang luncheon there and no the price all too well.


people ordering way too much for a wedding luncheon.

don't let your children do it.

the murdocks said...

HAHAHHAAHAHA! This was great Meliss. So classic. Exactly how eating out is for us. Thanks for the play by play...I seriously loved every word of this post!

tracie said...

Love this!!! That is honestly so funny. Haven't commented for a while but still reading every day and loving all your posts!!

Nate, Jenny and Amelia said...

Oh my. You make me laugh!