Monday, January 10, 2011

i love old people.

an older woman, 80's maybe, came in for a procedure.  sometimes my job is to wheel the patient out to their car after the procedure because of the affect the meds have on them.  now i've heard and seen some pretty funny stuff because of those meds. peoples' true selves come out. and thank goodness for that. 

so as i'm wheeling this old woman to her car, she leans over and hugs me super tight for about 3 minutes and as we're just standing there awkwardly, she whispers in my ear, "i've adored you my whole life" and then smiles at me like she's prancing on clouds.

usually i would have burst out laughing, but for some reason this woman melted my heart because of how cute and old she was.  and yes, i got teary eyed. i couldn't help it. she was just so cute and lovable.


The Merrills said...

This warmed my heart. I too love old people. I hope people love me that much when I'm old. :)

Caitlin said...

I love it! That is too great!

Ashley said...

I have adored you my whole life. Just thought it needed to be said.

KO and SJ said...

This made even me tear up... and I am a cold heart.

the fellers said...

haha, how cute...and prancing on clouds!??! i LOVE have the best use or words Mel!