Friday, May 7, 2010

i live for fridays.

its a good day, just because its friday.
i feel like i've been so ansy lately, i have this window right next to my desk and it teases me looking out and seeing the perfect weather...and plus there's a beautiful, huge tree right out the window that makes it even more tempting to just go sit outside.

a couple that looked around my age came into the clinic and they were all over each other. they were practically making out on the chairs. i was staring, only because they were drawing so much attention to themselves. i wanted to barf looking at them. then about 25 minutes later, an older couple in there 80's came in holding hands and the man gave his wife a kiss on the cheek. my heart melted. then for a minute i felt stupid that i was so rude about a young couple showing love, but i was lovestruck when an old couple showed there love. i don't get why it's so much cuter when old people show there love.

brad is finally done with his finals this week! which made us both in dang good moods the rest of the day! when we were driving home, we started talking about our trip to europe this summer and got so freaking excited we both started laughing so hard, (i may have screamed out of the blue really loud too) and turned up the music full blast. it's fun when you have something to look forward too. like the weekends....i hope you all have been looking forward to the weekend!


Lindsay said...

Europe this summer???!!! I am SOOO jealous! You guys will have a blast! Where exactly are you guys headed? HOW FUN!!!

shannon said...

ha ha, i can picture you and brad in the car getting excited. love it!

the fellers said...

Meliss, you are seriously the best, I LOVE that you screamed out loud and I LOVE that turning up music really loud really DOES make things more happy hey?

Melissa said...

You got me thinking about the old folks/young folks physical affection thing. I think the difference is in the excess. If that old couple had been all over each other--hands and lips everywhere--I think they would definitely have raised a few eyebrows. I also think that, in general, loving gestures in old age seem like signs of a lasting devotion vs. merely sexual attraction.

Sorry, that was a bit much. Have a great weekend, Melissa. I know you will.