we went down with vanessa and nate with a butt load of sugared crap that left us all sick by the end of the night. those 2 fags are moving in 2 weeks, so we have to treasure the time we have with them.
our good friend brian and his fiance marci, whom we also went to high school with, met up with us and joined in. it really was an awesome night. the weather was perfect, the fire was blazin and the lake shore was right at our toes. it made me yearn for summer like the dickons.
what can honestly beat laughing over a fire in the middle of no where? nothing.
All I can say is that this looks SOOO FUN!!! Geez, if I didn't have to be home by 8 pm everynight I think I'd try this! Plus it's cold now but oh well. Just enjoy this while you can!! :)
did you ever know marci is like my second favorite person on earth.
please for the love.
i might just secretly come visit you when you are doing fun things.
because your life = always fun. and i'm always jeal. ahhhhhhhhhhh.
Looks like a blast!!! Where are you summer???
This looks like a HOOT. And my favorite thing ever is you calling Nate and Vanessa two fags.
Melissa, I really miss you today. Bad!!
Ah!!! This makes me SO jealous!! Is there anything better than a campfire?! I think not!!! Your pictures are hilarious too. You guys have so much fun!
Hey- how do you know Vanessa?! I knew her from the UVSC days. Small world.
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