Saturday, November 5, 2011

we finally are ready to grow up and shop like the big people.


this little card is going to do some major damage…….and a little good.  we find any reason to go.  even if it’s just to hit up lunch with the samples. the worst part is we’ve discovered that we can’t spend less than $100 every time we go.  it’s horrible. except today, we left with only 4 boxes of truffles. that was it.  so we were proud of ourselves that we limited our spendings to only necessities today. I’m not lying when I say those truffles are only for us. we figured we would each have one every day for a year. promise we sat there doing the math trying to find reasoning.


Lindsay said...

That reminds me, I need to run to Costco! And I better look for those truffles, they sound amazing!!!

Caitlin said...

I know exactly what you mean! We love and hate it! Love it mainly though.

Maren said...

$100 bucks is small change at Costco. These days I am happy if it stays under $400. Sad. Keep me away!

Leslie said...

melissa. your life will never be better. honestly mike and i go to costco to wander around on our date nights. i am so thrilled you finally have matured enough to get a card!