Monday, April 11, 2011

the sun makes all the difference.

this morning was a good one. slept in till 10. made coffee cake for breakfast. the sun was out (bloody miracle). i decided to walk to work and let the sun sink into my skin as much as possible. i talked with an older man that was weeding for quite some time and learned a lot from his upbeat personality. he helped me get my day started right. 

i thought i'd change it up today and listen to brads playlist while walking and was pleasantly excited with the outcome. my man surprisingly has some good taste in music. i came across this song and was loving the walk that much more. it's funny how a good song in the background can make all the difference.

i took a few pictures on the way to work that caught my eye. it made the walk different for me,
refreshing and a little entertaining.


Kenna said...

I'm not as cool as you anymore cause I can't go on cool walks in the city anymore. Love the pics, miss everything.
Please bless you got my text and had a little laugh!

The Merrills said...

um... is that Rose's Laundry?? I live SO close to that! We are soooo dang close! Let's please play... one I finish the gosh dang semester :)