Tuesday, July 10, 2012

last stretch.

35 weeks. it's going by rapid fast to say the least. 
2 more weeks for me and i'll be holding this little girl that has put my body through, 
what feels like hell, and my heart through the most heavenly of heavens. 
i love her so much already. 

i get contractions daily, and braxtonions every 5 minutes. i get them over the littlest things. 
2 days ago i was walking up the stairs and brad tickled my butt from behind 
and it tickled so bad i had to stop and breath it out from the braxton hicks his tickle caused. 
i feel like the "nesting stage" is a huge understatement. 
last week i made muddy buddies at 1:30 in the morning. i didn't even eat any, i just wanted to make them.
and cleaning has become an hourly thing. it's weird. i know i'll never have this motivation again.

i feel huge. and by huge i mean, i feel like i can't do anything.  dropping something, as little as a pen on the floor, is the same feeling as someone throwing my keys across the neighborhood and having to go get them. just a freaking hassle. 

the other day i was taking a shower and i decided to sit down and just enjoy the water. the water started getting cold and i couldn't reach the faucet, so i tried to get up and i literally couldn't. my feet kept slipping.  so there i was just a blob of skin, yelling for brad, laying in the tub. brad came thinking i was dying and when he came and saw me, we were both laughing so hard.  he had to lift my dead weight body out of the tub. in the buck nude. i can actually say i was embarrassed. 

but then there's the tender moments that make everything worth it.  i genuinely love when people/strangers come up and rub my belly. and nothing melts my heart more then when kids are fascinated and excited about my stomach. every time i see reese she lifts up my shirt and puts her hand on my bare skin and asks when the baby is going to kick. or when people of all ages stop to congratulate me and ask if i'm having a boy or girl. i love when men are super polite because of the pregnancy, and hold open doors or ask to carry things for me. but nothing can top when brad climbs into bed and the first thing he does is lift up my shirt and rest his head and hands to feel and hear our baby girl. 


Lindsay said...

Oh you are so sweet, that is just precious. I'm so sorry - that last stretch is THE hardest! But soon it disappears and you have your amazing little angel with you! You totally forget all the pain and embarrasment, luckily! I can't wait to see your sweet daughter, and I'm sure you are just dying to meet her! What an amazing day it will be. I hope your sugars are doing well and that it's been manageable...it seems like you've done GREAT with it all! I knew you'd be amazing. HANG IN THERE!!!!

Callie said...

I LOVED reading this, Melissa!! You're almost there! And next time, feel free to call me on the muddy buddies - I'll take them off your hands. =)


Nicole S. said...

It seemed to go by so fast to me anyways. How exciting the next couple weeks will be! I can't wait to see the little angel!

Kenna said...

Wahoo! Congrats!
You are adorable and look great!
Enjoy those cute tender moments!

Hailey Jones said...

this post is just beautiful. these little babies get into your heart so fast. you have no idea.i'm so excited for you guys. please post more pics of the house. and invite us over. or can i come see you after baby. i bring gifts.

Maren said...

Okay, so I got a little teary-eyed with that last part about Brad. Very sweet! And I laughed out loud about your shower experience! Isn't pregnancy wonderful? I say that sarcastically.... AND seriously. It's the best and worst. So uncomfortable and painful (I am right along with you with contractions and braxtin hicks, and might I add peeing every four minutes to your list), but then there are some really beautiful moments that make it such an amazing experience. Right now Joe getting me a slurpee because I'm in too much pain to get off my butt and do it myself.... Perk. And kinda crappy because I want to die....

p.s. you look beautiful! I saw your comment you posted about how much "bigger" you are than me. Nice try. You look amazing!