Wednesday, August 24, 2011

an update of nonsense.

sometimes i forget that the blog is for keeping in touch too.  not just writing about nothingness.
so i thought i would jot down a couple of things that have been taking place in our small lives.

  • brad's on his last semester of school right now.  just typing that sends relief.
  • i got a job interview for a pretty cool job.  cross your fingers for me.  i'm hoping for this one!
  • we've finally learned how to make home-made salsa. it's all we've been eating lately.  our breathe wreaks like garlic all the time.
  • we've learned how to take walks at night together.  something i wish we started doing 3 months ago.
  • after not having ac in our car for 3 and a half years, we finally made the purchase of $25 and got it fixed.  (ummmm, if we knew that it could have been fixed for that much, believe me, we wouldn't have suffered for so long.)
  • i smashed the face of my cell phone. literal pieces of plastic are left in my ear every time i talk on it.
  • we currently are sleeping on a mattress that's on the floor. our bed frame broke. one of my young women saw that and said, "you guys look like your homeless". it's very true. we do.
  • brad woke up at 2 in the morning to me propped up on my side with my head leaning on my hand talking to him in my sleep. scared the crap out of him.
  • we're going to settebellos tonight.  it's all i can think about right now.


Maren said...

Such a cute shot of you guys. Lovin' the update. I need to learn how to make salsa! Who doesn't love garlic breath?

Kay said...

sure wish we lived closer to you guys I am positive we would be are just too dang funny. I love sleep talkers..hilarious. Still my favorite blog post of your was about the condom wrapper left in you car...oohhh my mind goes wild.

Leslie said...

melissa! changing jobs? please bless the interview is in canada....