Monday, July 18, 2011

my grandma.

me and brad were hanging out the other night.  talking about what we should do.  and then we brought up what if we were our grandparents, what do you think they would do on a friday night at our age.  probably go dancing or to the nearest parlor shop to get some ice-cream.  who knows.  there's something about their time that seems so intriguing and innocent.  then i ached to see my grandma.

i sat there feeling bad for myself for not having the chance to live close to my grandma and grandpa.  there's so many grandkids. so many great-grandkids.  so many kids.  how will she ever know who i am. sometimes i wonder if i would have been a better person if i lived closer to her. lived by her sweet example.

for that moment it made me want to live a simple life.  move out to the open fields and have brad farm all day.  the only thing to worry about is your own family out in that open space. making dinners from the garden. sounds so appetizing to me right now.

my grandma is so beautiful eh? inside and out.  i can't wait to have all that time with her after this life and learn about who she is/was and all the juicy details of her and my grandpas life.

please bless i grow up to be a third of the woman she is.


Maren said...

I love that picture of her. I think I see a bit of Leslie in her. AND, should get to know her NOW. Even though she lives far away. My Grandparents are already gone so I have no choice, but YOU do, silly girl! I bet she would love a phone call..... just sayin'.....

Leslie said...

grandma IS so beautiful (and i am beaming at marens comment)! and asking to be 1/3 of who she is is far too selfish...

Kay said...

I think your grandma is gem too! She is always so happy and very witty.

the fellers said...

We were so excited to spend a few days at her house before we came home and I just wanted to be better just sitting in the same room as her! She is so funny, and Grandpa too! I LOVED watching her with my kids. It is my goal to have my kids KNOW their great grandparents AND Grandparents as much as possible on this earth!!