Monday, February 7, 2011

cross country skiing.

i love carson in the background....
 my dad sent out a text last thursday, 
"i'm going cross country skiing, who wants to come with me?".  
we've never been before so we jumped all over that, 
along with my 2 littlest brothers, carson and gentle-josh.

it was surprisingly awesome.  a good workout that's for sure...but awesome. 
i think the first half hour was the best because none of us had done it before 
except my dad so we were falling all over the place...
and i swear every fall ended up in the splits.  

there was a time i was laughing so hard at gentle-josh 
while he was laying on the ground just sobbing because he didn't have any more energy to get up.  
and i literally had no energy to help him up because i was laughing so hard. 
i'm a rude sister.

i want to take up cross country skiing as a hobby. 
when me and brad are loaded (and by loaded i mean making more than minimum wage)
we both agreed we'd take it up. 
the scenery was breathtaking and the mountains were still and quiet.
it was extremely refreshing. therapeutic even.

thanks pops, you made the weekend fantastic with that brilliant idea!


Leslie said...

oh my heck that seriously looks like THE funnest thing ever! too fun! please take me when you are loaded!

Maren said...

If you lived here, you could cross country ski to school like Joe did when he lived in Red Deer growing up! Hahahaha! I've only been once and hated it. My bum hurt so bad after. I feel for gentle Josh.

Amy said...

Hi Melissa....

Just wanted you to know that I am STILL stalking your ALWAYS!! AND, we finally tried Settebellos last friday night per your many blog posts was AMAZING!!!! We are definitely going back soon (without the kids this time). Thanks for the good food posts........

Amy (Liz' coolest sister)

The Forbes said...

that is awesome but I really can only imagine how hard cross country skiing would be. Love the bed head, my bangs get like that too. I love that you took up another work out class.