Friday, June 15, 2012

Instagram is cool, and i'm getting lazy.

Dear blog,
I'm more into instagram right now. I still think you're cool, but instagram is easier and a heck of a lot more convenient.

So if any of you peeps out there still give a rats behind about our lives, you can follow me on instagram-@melerm, or Melissa Elder. 

So much technology so little time.

here's some pics taken via instagram in the last little bit. i feel like we've been busy. the good kind of busy.  birthdays, babysitting, getting our house together/decorating, bees game, buying little things here and there for the babes, family stuff...blah blah blah.  just everything i'm sure you don't care to hear about.

speaking of babes-quick update.  i'm larger than life.  sometimes i wonder if i'm carrying her in my belly or under my chin. both are expanding pretty fast. i blame the diabetes for that.  i've literally had to triple my insulin. for a cracker i feel like i need an entire vial of insulin. i go through it like oxygen. the diabetes has been tricky, especially these last months of pregnancy.  she's growing so fast, so my sugars change daily.

i went in for an appt the other day (i go in twice a week now for the rest of my's lovely....) and the doc said she wants this baby out of me by 37 weeks.  which is in a month! me and brad freaked. ok, so just i did. i do not feel ready. the other night before getting into bed i was looking at my body in the mirror rubbing on that stretch mark cream, and i couldn't help but start crying thinking of the birth. that was the first time i had actually felt feelings of real, genuine terror for what my body might have to go through. brad was in bed laying there watching me, "melissa, don't worry, your body will go back to normal", as he was about to get up and give me the "you're not fat and ugly" speech that's usually followed by a sincere hug. i tried to hurry and explain before he got up, "brad, i honestly just got so scared for the delivery".  brad was surprised, "the delivery?". i started to explain everything i was scared of and then all of a sudden she started moving around and kicking like crazy. i hurried and laid down so he could feel her. i was laying on my side and brad was spooning me with his hand on my belly.  we were both so obsessed with feeling her move that i completely forgot about the fear.  i can only pray that's what it's going to be like.  sheer and utter terror/pain, then all of a sudden baby obsession and love.


Maren said...

Melissa, if it makes you feel any better, you are just as big as me and I'm a month behind you! Haha! So now you're not allowed to call yourself large, because then you'll be insulting me too! Although I'm sure the diabetes doesn't help your cause, ...and this being number four for me doesn't help mine! Anywho, if you are delivering oh-natur-al then I am scared for you and your delivery because I never want to experience that kind of pain. So, I have nothing to say to that. HOWEVER, if you are getting an epidural, then there is nothing to fear in the delivery! You may even get to sneak in a nap before you push that sucker out. And yes, you will love that baby like no body's business. Imagine how obsessed you will be once you can SEE her! ;)

Michelle Pearson said...

Melissa! You are way too cute! i know the feeling of sheer terror that overcomes you when it's your first. I don't know if you're into all of the mom books and stuff but I read a book called "The Best Birth." it seriously saved my life. It explains everything and makes you feel comfortable about the delivery. It even tells your husband to have gum or breath mints so his breath doesn't stink when he's in your face telling you to breath through your contractions. haha It's really short too so you should check it out. Oh yeah, I also watched a lot of "16 & Pregnant" and it made me feel better about the whole labor thing. haha

Teandra said...

I think the more information and knowledge you have about giving birth and what your body does, the less scared you'll be, so I've heard. I recommend watching "the business of being born." It changed my life...seriously.

Anonymous said...

Melissa, thanks for the pictures of your new place. Love the Chevron rug and the built ins beside the fire place. Lovely.
Also, you be as lazy as you like, what do you want you spend all day creating a human for heavens sake.
Auntie Patty

the fellers said...

that is EXACTLY what it will be, actually, it will be like this....fear, excitement, fear, get an epidural, fear, have the baby and be obsessed and still be scared! you will do great...but for heavens sake, get the epidural!!! It was great seeing you tonight!